How NodeJS Works?

How NodeJS Works?

Understanding the Event-Driven Architecture of Node.js


Node.js is a powerful runtime environment that utilizes an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model to build scalable and efficient applications. In this article, we will delve into how Node.js works, exploring its event-driven architecture, event queue, event loop, and the handling of blocking and non-blocking events.

Event Queue and Event Loop

When a client sends a request to a Node.js server, the request enters the event queue. The event loop, a key component of Node.js, continuously monitors the event queue for incoming events. It follows a first-come, first-served approach, ensuring that events are processed in the order they were received.

Non-Blocking and Blocking Events

Node.js distinguishes between non-blocking and blocking events. Non-blocking events can be executed asynchronously without blocking the execution of subsequent code. On the other hand, blocking events require additional resources and may cause delays. Node.js efficiently handles both types of events.

Non-Blocking Event Execution

For non-blocking events, Node.js executes them in an event-driven manner. The event loop constantly checks for completed non-blocking events, and once an event is finished, its corresponding callback function is triggered, and the output is returned.

Blocking Event Handling

When a blocking event is encountered, Node.js offloads the operation to a thread from the thread pool, also known as a worker. The worker is responsible for executing the blocking operation. If all workers are occupied, the event has to wait until a worker becomes available. This approach prevents blocking events from causing delays or blocking the execution of subsequent events.

Optimizing Node.js Performance:

To optimize Node.js performance, it is crucial to minimize the number of blocking events and prioritize non-blocking operations. By leveraging asynchronous programming techniques and utilizing non-blocking I/O operations, developers can ensure that Node.js applications are highly scalable and responsive.

In a real-life scenario, consider a web application that needs to fetch data from an external API and display it on a webpage. Using a blocking approach, the code would pause the execution until the response is received, resulting in a frozen browser and unresponsive webpage. On the other hand, a non-blocking approach allows the code to continue execution while waiting for the response, keeping the browser responsive and enabling the user to interact with the webpage. This enhances the user experience and ensures uninterrupted interaction with the application.


When working with the fs module in Node.js, it's important to understand the difference between fs.readFileSync and fs.readFile in terms of their blocking and non-blocking behavior.

Note: Content of created.txt : Created file using writeFile

When using readFileSync :

const fs = require("fs");


//readFileSync is blocking, it blocks the execution of code until
//and unless it is completed
const res = fs.readFileSync("./created.txt", "utf-8");


When using readFile :

const fs = require("fs");


//readFile is non blocking, that it dosent block instead run
fs.readFile("./created.txt", "utf-8", (err, response) => {
  if (err) console.log(err);
  else {


  • fs.readFileSync is a non-blocking function that reads file contents synchronously. It blocks the execution of subsequent code until the file reading operation completes. This can impact performance and responsiveness, especially in scenarios with concurrent requests.

  • fs.readFile is a blocking function that reads file contents asynchronously. It expects a callback function and schedules the file reading operation, allowing subsequent code to execute without blocking. Once the operation finishes, the callback is invoked with the file contents or any potential errors.

In summary, fs.readFileSync is non-blocking and fs.readFile is blocking because it expects a callback function and works asynchronously, respectively. It's important to consider the potential impact on performance and responsiveness when choosing between these methods based on your application's requirements.

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